Table of Contents and Analyses

 Table of Contents and Analyses

    Now that I've decided on the cover, its time to move on the table of contents. The photos in the  are not mine right now, just placeholders for when I do take mine

    For the first iteration I wanted an abstract background that faded two photos behind it; this is so the photo requirement would be met in an interesting way. That's is one of the things I have never seen a magazine do, it's ashamed because it's a great way to put photos in tight spaces and be visually interesting way. It just feels a little empty, which could be solved with either more photos or changing the sizing and position. 

    For the second iteration, I shifted the positions and changed the color scheme. I still wanted an abstract background so I went with a red, flowy one. The formatting of this one is cool and does feel as empty, however it isn't as original as the first iteration. It still is cool though, how the photos occupy the right side of the screen so it fills up the whole page.

    For the third Table of contents, I wanted something full and original so I decided to use circles instead of rectangles which I think turned out wonderfully. This time I chose green for the color scheme to see how it looks, and it looks great.

    All three iterations look really great, it will be hard to decide which one to use for the final cover. I like different thing about each one so I one that get the best of all words.


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