
The Product

 Cover Table of Contents Two Page Spread

2-pg Spread Feedback and Final Revisions

 2-pg Spread Feedback and Final Revisions     As mentioned in the previous blog, the 2 page spread was completed out of order. To recap, I made 3 drafts two blogs ago, but they were  influenced by last blogs' "event", and this blogs' edition of the 2 page spread (Yea, I drafted after the final product because of procrastination). We should finally be out of my forest of stupidity and have smooth sailing ahead towards the final product. To finally begin with this blog-- Final Version      This is final two page spread. The last blog showed off the mistakes I made, but they all influenced this.      Most of the comments from the peer review involved the formatting. That was going to change no matter what. because of those (as well as seeing my fellow students' 2pg Spread) I decided to make it into one big page instead of two, which I felt was a wise  decision. Some of the other comments also were about the pictures bein...


  Procrastination     Ok... There is a tiny issue I need to address. The 2 page spreads were done somewhat out of order. The reason for that is procrastination. Let me explain. I stopped working on blogs for the past few weeks. Because of this, this blog will be a little shorter than normal (Though I suppose no shorter than the previous two blogs) and tackle an issue I normally face for school projects. The only reason it's mentioned at all, it's because this is a blog, and I'm supposed to log my journey in creating a magazine, this was something that happened and changed the quality of the final product, for good or bad. Not working on blogs was issue as my teacher did a peer review assignment that I was not expecting. Basically we had to show off our 2pg Spread too the class, I had nothing prepared besides a few paragraphs written for my two page spread. This all took place before the previous two blogs mind you so I had no idea w...

Format Plans/Drafts

 Format Plans/Drafts     It's time to start planning the formatting and style of the 2pg spread.      For the first draft, I wanted to stick with theme from the TOC so I chose a background of similar  color. Formatted where the main text and captions would go and forgot to change the font (I'll fix that in the finished  product) I wanted the first page to be mostly text, while the second  finished the article and  includes  some captions. I've decided against  pull quotes, not because  they would look bad, but because  this is a review of a game (as I've  decided that's  what the 2 page spread will be about), it's supposed to be my perspective , so there's no need for them. The images chose can easily  be related too. The first one of the Switch can be about its exclusivity, while the X-box controller can be used as a way to highlight the controls of the game. The alert is used to symbolized a caption (...

2 Page Spread: Voice, Language, and Audience

 2 Page Spread Voice Language and Audience     Articles are the life blood of any magazine, including gaming magazines. They contain the actual content and it is import that they captivate your audience. For Gamming magazine, it's important to establish the correct tone, include tons of pictures, all while present facts and/or new material that interests as many people as possible. Notice the formatting!!          Gamming magazine are typically formatted with rows and rows of text. For my article I think I will just slit it into two rows across two nearly full pages. Look at the Images, they take up big parts of the screen. Images are a great way to show someone how the game looks or drawl attention to it with fan-art like renders/png's. I'm definitely going to do something  similar. Gamming articles tend to use a technical tone to match with nerd stereotypes. Articles begin with a drop cap, and there are tons of pull quotes an...

TOC Feedback and Final Revisions + Cover Issues

 TOC Feedback and Final Revisions + Cover Issues     I recently got feedback on my table of contents (the photo above). The feedback was great, it highlighted what I did well, like the color scheme, however it failed when it came to the font and the photo in the bottom left corner. Most of the feedback focused on that. The font could be more tech-oriented while the photo's background didn't fit.  Step One: The Font and Images    "I do not have a saved draft of this TOC, I have to recreate it. I used the same draft on Canva, where I make the actual pages and covers, and because this was the first draft, and Canva has no way to access previous versions, which is why I have to make it again." Is what I thought at the start of this blog, however after further research, I found out Canva allows it, so I was able to reset the version and edit that Table of contents.      I looked in the sans-serif section on Canva for better fonts, a...